Facebook, it knows me too well....

I will be the first to admit that Facebook is too big a priority in my life.  So what if I sometimes narrate my life through status updates, or I'm inspired to take pictures of an event because I came up with a clever album title, or I creep through people's albums, likes, and wall posts instead of doing homework?  At the end of the day I'm not one of those people who shares her every emotion through hourly status updates and I try to keep all of my tagged photos and wall posts classy.  Whatever you post on the internet will always be on the internet... and that stuff can totally come back to haunt you.  Segue into how Facebook knows me too well.

I don't know how Mark Zuckerberg did it, but the targeted advertisements on the right hand side of my Facebook screen are too perfect.  I have one for one of the graduate schools I'm applying to, one for Chacos (my all time favorite shoes), one for a wine of the month club, and another from the US Army recruiting me to be a Chaplain (ok... not that I want to do this, but who knew the Army and Facebook would tag team to recruit little ole me?).  Anyway, I know two of those things came out of things that I "liked" on Facebook, but the Army and the Wine thing?  IF I were to ever entertain the idea of going into the armed services, I'd be a Navy gal all the way.  Four simple words, "men in white uniforms."  Army fatigues look nice and all, but you show me a sailor... anchors away, boys!  So Facebook totally got that one wrong.  Wine on the other hand, maybe they track how many statuses I've had about wine in the past year?  At first I was a little worried that Facebook thought I was an alcoholic, but then I remembered a little something I heard at freshmen orientation "It isn't alcoholism until you graduate."  I disagree with that statement on so many levels, but it makes me feel a little better about the frequency with which this particular ad appears. 


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